Grizzly tattoos
Grizzly tattoos may be different really. They are all looking great of course but as you know, grizzly is first of all a bear and that is why it should be referred to as a bear.
When we speak about the grizzly tattoo designs it is necessary to understand the meanings of the bear tattoo designs and the bear as a symbol.
The meaning of the bear
So, the meaning of the bear highly depends on how and in what context this animal is depicted. It can be seen in many different ways - kind, good and witful or angry, ferocious and vicious.
However, in any general case the bear tattoo has the following meaning - the rebirth and the beginning of the new life. Such meaning it has because of the ability to sleep for a long time and then to wake up after such long sleep.
In general therefore grizzly bear tattoos mean bravery and might, ability to be sure in its might, bravery, maternity and fertility, power and ability to stand for itself, charity and peace.
Bear value in Russia
The bear is considered to be the national symbol of Russia for a long time. In this country there are a lot of stories and legends connected with this animal. The roaring bear in Russia, for example, has always meant men’s bravery. In the cultural tradition of the ancient Celts the bear is known to be the symbol of the power of the moon. Because the moon is known as the famine symbol, grizzly tattoos can also be the symbol of maternity and the birth of children. Celtic people honored and respected the bear and it became the emblem of all Celtic warriors. In China the bear is known to be highly connected with the male beginning, and shows the might, paternity, reighning and bravery. Among the Japanese people bear is known as the symbol of wit and justification and is associated with good will and charity.
Bear in history of the world
In the mythologiy of Roman and Greek people the bear became the representative of the goddess of hunting and fertility - ever young Artemis.
American Indians gave the bear the role of the powerfull and fearless animal who is able to overcome even tornados - yes, the grizzly bears were really famous for that, strangely. Also grizzly bears there, as the Indians were sure, were able to overcome any natural cataclysms.
The people of the ancient Scandinavia connected this animal with unreal verociousness of the fightning and pure aggression. Also it was one of the looks of the god Odin as well as ancient German warrior god Thor. In Christianity and Islam the bear is connected mainly with the dark powers and forces. It is considered to be greedy, revengeful and powerful. In one of the stories in the Bible the Jewish Tsar David was fighting the bear. In the Western culture the bear is usually known as the lover of eating and thus its symbol may be not so good. Also it is widely known that bear tattoo designs have been applied to the bodies of the Indian Rajas and the pharaohs of Egypt. There they have been considered to be the symbol of eternal power. That meant that such tattoo design was not at all suitable for any other people, that were not having power.
In Alchemy, for example, the bear became the symbol of the first substance, of the chaos that should always be brought to order.
Bear is known as the unique animal. It is well respected for the fact that it looks big and verocious, however it is known to be very king and gentle on the inner side. That is why the meanings of the grizzly tattoos are very various.
If we spoke about bears in general it is necessary to say about the white bear tattoo. This animal is always sole and striving to love despite of all hardships. It also means fearlessness, loving of life and strict character. It is known as the symbol of Russia and America.