Bug tattoos
Every person who wants to give his tattoo some meaning tries to find in it some traits of his character or his personal view on the world. In reality every tattoo has a lot of different meanings, for example butterfly tattoo can illustrate the variety of symbols. Butterfly has become traditionally famous female symbol long time ago, because it implies all tender and positive women traits and therefore these bug tattoo designs are very popular.
In general, butterfly pictures in different countries and people had different meanings. For example, in Mexico butterfly became the symbol of commemorating of dead relatives, that went to the Earthen Paradise and the mirror of the human soul. In Japan this bug associates with easiness, grace and becomes the symbol of famine. In Roman culture butterfly in all cases was considered to be the declarant of war.
Bug tattoo designs with butterflies are very popular because of their long tradition. In ancient times in the tribes of South America butterfly symbolized flickering fire, star spirit and souls of women who died while confinement. Aztecs believed that souls of those who fell in battle turn out to the form these bugs – beautiful, imponderable and carefree. In Ancient Greece the soul was also depicted in form of girl with the wings of butterfly. In German-Scandinavian myths butterfly represented the air element. That’s why elves, the forest spirits of air, was depicted as small men with little wings of butterflies.
Christian religion considers butterfly as the symbol of resurrection and rebirth of the immortal soul. For them this small bug was highly connected with soul too, but was also considered as declarant of death. If we speak about contemporary times, we can say that in different circles it is considered to represent light-minded women.
So, as you can see, the meaning of this bug tattoo was always connected with human soul and famine, surrounded with beauty, tenderness, lightness and grace.
Also bug tattoo brings the signs of immortality and transformation with it. Butterfly is born, dies and then begins to live again in another state.
Males usually use bug tattoo designs rarely, but you can also see it on them too. Among women there is a lot of popularity, because such cute creature brings joy and reminds of summer. On the body such small tattoo will look very tender, simple, vivid and beautiful.
Bug tattoos are very symbolic. They can be neutral, positive or destructive. Everybody chooses to their likings. That’s why before you choose some bug tattoo design, you should better consult with your tattoo artist.
Let us see other popular bug tattoo designs and their meanings. Mantis is the symbol of bravery, slyness, cruelty. The common trait is aggressiveness. Lady-bug is a symbol of the Sun, it warns about danger and predicts the time of human life. From the other hand, it is the symbol of inconstancy and also the wife of Zeus who was cheating him. Beetle is considered to be the guardian of death, who, according to the believing warns about coming death with ticking sound. Scarab is also a popular bug tattoo design. It is the symbol of wealth and luck. It symbolizes beauty, longing for sun and light, resurrection.
Moth is the symbol of easy mind – he is drawn to light and dies.
Ant is also one of the popular bug tattoos. In China ant symbolizes justice, good things. In India ants a sacred. Also ant represents the symbol that helps to cure diseases and guards from illness.
Fly is a symbol of sin. Sometimes it is applied in prisons. Fly symbolizes importunity, untidiness, sin.