7th Louisville Tattoo Arts Convention

13 April - 15 April 2018

Kentucky Exposition Center, Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY

This event is organized by Villain Arts and is up for the 7th consecutive year. Here you will see several hundreds of professional tattoo artists, some of which are world famous. Sideshow performance is also great. The event itself is great and was also made in different big American cities, such as Kansas, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Chicago and Philadelphia. It boasts not only the variety of tattoo artists, but the appearance of the most acknowledged artists. There will also be some celebrities from the movies.

Such event is also famous for its seminars that is held on various topics - starting from the special techniques of tattoo application and ending with the topics covering marketing and social media influence on tattoo life. Usually this convention is attended by several legends of business who are eagerly answering the questions.


Friday: 14.00 – Midnight
Saturday: 11.00 – Midnight
Sunday: 11.00 – 20.00


$20 Day / $40 3-Day Pass
Tickets are only sold at the show
Children under 12 are free