12th Live Free Or Die Tattoo Expo
Radisson Hotel Manchester
700 Elm Street,
Manchester, NH 03101-2599
This tattoo event will be held in Manchester, the Radisson Hotel. The prices are not too huge - should you choose one day pass, it will be 15 USD for you. 2-day pass will cost you 20 USD while 3 day pass will be 25 USD only. Mind that the tickets will be more expensive on-site.
This Expo is one of the best and most interesting conventions in the place. There will be many interesting vendors and artists that will gather together and come here from all New England. The event promises many interesting contest, live music and so on. The cash prizes are guaranteed. A must go.
Friday: 17.00 – Midnight
Saturday: 10.00 – Midnight
Sunday: 10.00 – 18.00
Online prices are:
1 Day pass $15.00
2 Day pass $20.00
3 Day pass $25.00
All prices go up $5.00 at the door, the day of.