Scorpion tattoo meaning

Scorpion tattoo meanings can be different and various. They are looking really great if the correct tattoo design is chosen.

The scorpion is a popular symbol of today's tattoos. Dangerous and in own way the beautiful representative of fauna attracts many admirers of a tattoo. But sometimes it is worth thinking what the tattoo a scorpion matters that bears in itself this image and that symbolizes.

In each people, culture or the direction the tattoo of a scorpion can have various meaning. For example, in Egypt the scorpion is connected with the world of the dead, in Japan prefer to consider him a symbol of marital fidelity, in Africa are negative to scorpions is a symbol of hatred and revenge, and these animals reflect justice and wisdom in the Arab countries.

In Russia it is difficult to express the unambiguous relation to a tattoo of a scorpion, there is a lot of values, and each person chooses the closest to it treatment. And some, without thinking of symbolism, simply choose in salon on a photo of a tattoo of a scorpion, value in this case isn't actual.

But nevertheless, the most part of people puts the image of a scorpion according to concrete symbolics, seeking to express own views, belonging to any structure or team of adherents.

Meaning of a tattoo of a scorpion in army

For example, in army of a tattoo the scorpion matters according to the concrete image. That is, if the scorpion is represented with the opened claws or the raised sting, it expresses its participation in fights in hot spots. The closed claws or the bent sting are symbolized only by service. The most often similar interpretation of the image of a scorpion meets among participants of wars and collisions in the Caucasus or fighters of special troops.

Prison meaning of a tattoo scorpion

And in prison a tattoo a scorpion value get already another – she can be met at the person who stayed certain time in a solitary confinement. Also meets at addicts, along with the image of a spider. The raised or lowered sting symbolizes continuation of dependence or the termination. A tattoo the scorpion, as well as in army, in prison can have the participant of military operations.

Often in prison a tattoo the scorpion means the owner's position: "Be careful, you will touch – I will attack". Sometimes the raised sting is treated as "I stand up to the end for friends", and lowered down expresses fault.

Besides belonging to a certain group of adherents, compliances to any standards or expressions of own attitude, a tattoo with a scorpion often are caused by the people who were born under this zodiac sign. In similar cases the image doesn't bear symbolical meaning. The tattoo of a scorpion located on a breast, on a back or on a shoulder matters the identical.

In most cases the image of a scorpion is put in style of realism, but some prefer more original styles – tribal or Celtic. Colors are selected in dark and gloomy scale, are most often used black or dark blue.

Scorpion tattoo meaning depends on the exact tattoo design that you choose. That is why it is necessary to think it over before you apply this or that scorpion tattoo.

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