Scorpion Tattoo

Scorpion tattoos nowadays may be considered rather popular. First of all it is necessary to say that such scorpion tattoos will not be suitable for everyone. The best thing is to see all the scorpion tattoo designs and to choose the correct one, the one that you like. But first of all it is necessary to understand the meaning of it.

The tattoo meets the image of a scorpion today rather often, and unites in itself a lot of various symbolics. The scorpion is considered one of the most dangerous and dear animals in the nature.

Among the African tribes the attitude towards a scorpion was bilateral. He was considered a symbol of revenge and the messenger of death, but thus appreciated the justice and firmness embodied in it. Soldiers worshipped to it. The scorpion was considered as the judge who can kill or cure at the same time, but healing it is necessary to deserve.

For Indians of North America the scorpion was an embodiment of the goddess-mother who ruled over souls of the died people and imposed them sentences for the acts made during lifetime.

In ancient Egypt the scorpion was a sign of the goddess Selket — patronesses of the dead of souls. It was represented often at an entrance to tombs as the sacred, preserving mascot.

In east, in particular Japanese, culture the scorpion was a symbol of wisdom and justice. And represented together with a flower, it could mean long matrimonial life and eternal love.

The scorpion found the value and in the Greek-Roman mythology — he became the tool for murder. The goddess Artemis, using a sting of a scorpion, I ruined Orion, then Zeus represented it in the form of stars in the sky. In medieval art this animal was considered as a symbol of treachery, envy and hatred.

Tattoo the scorpion has special value for the military personnel. It is a symbol of bravery, aspiration to fight till the end and not to lose pride under no circumstances. It is filled to themselves by the soldiers taking part in military operations in hot spots.

Value of a tattoo a scorpion can be also shown as a symbol of self-sacrifice and nobility, passion and control, protection and brave death.

It is separately necessary to mark out value of a tattoo of a scorpion as zodiac sign. The person born under this sign is characterized by high emotions and feelings, good intuition, persistence and self-confidence.

Not seldom the scorpion is a duality symbol: it seems small, harmless and modest, and at the same time possesses the deadly weapon which casts fear looking at it. Such the tattoo are done often by the people wishing to emphasize the internal spiritual force.

Value of a tattoo a scorpion on a zone too the unusual. For criminals he was a symbol of loneliness and treachery. It was represented, as a rule, by prisoners who for many years got exhausted in solitary confinements.

And so associations of everything are higher told in the unique image and gave us such remarkable tattoo as a tattoo a scorpion. Which is widely used already for many years by men and women equally actively worldwide.

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