Tribal bull tattoo

Tribal tattoos are popular a lot nowadays and this means that they are really demanded for. Usually such tattoos end up on the body of some sporty looking person. Tribal bull tattoo designs are known to be really very attractive and that is why they are chosen by the powerful men all over the world. Actually to fully understand why the tribal bull tattoos are that interesting and attractive, it is necessary to understand how the bull tattoos are applied in general, what are their meanings and what people usually choose to apply such tribal tattoo designs.

One of the most popular tattoos which I saw at men of a sports constitution is a tattoo with a bull. Perhaps, the bull attracts the with ferocity or simply the size, and it tempts men to make such tattoo?

But when I asked the friend who had similar a tattoo on a shoulder, he resolutely told me that a certain meaning of this tattoo which is ideally suited for it became the reason. Being curious by nature, I made a selection of the most popular meanings of a tattoo with a bull.

Here are the major basic meanings of the triabel bull tattoos:


You sometime saw herd of bulls? If not in a face (thank God), but at least on TV you for certain met. Though in the animated form though in real, but this show looks awful. If something frightens bulls, they look to you in the face and run on you with furious determination. No wonder that people often do a tattoo of a bull to show the aggression.


Another matter if you have huge force as at a bull. Their angry roar can be compared to a thunder. Often bulls were sacrificed to gods of the sea. They are also connected with the heavenly phenomena, such as: lightning, whole gale, storm, ship-wreck.

Safety and protection

The bull is considered often as the strong defender in connection with his unusual physical force. The bull is considered usually "father" of herd which it protects.

Courage and fertility

As well as men, a bull often is considered as a symbol of fertility and man's force. In Hindu beliefs the Lord Shiva representing a courage symbol was always represented accompanied by a white bull. The bull symbolizes justice, sexual energy and courage.


The bull symbolizes revival after falling (including, and falling of spirit). Besides, as the bull is connected with the sun, the tattoo with a bull can be apprehended as a life symbol.

Slow and unreasonable

One of values of a tattoo of a bull is forgotten often and ignored. It is the truth that the bull possesses huge physical force and the power, but is true as well that they possess not so big intellectual force, especially, when business reaches logical thinking. Bulls are very risky, reckless, extremely ambitious. But unless it is bad?!

The meanings of the bull tattoos are as follows:

  • reckless destruction;
  • death (black bull);
  • short memory;
  • persistence;
  • harmony

Tribal bull tattoos, as we have said earlier are known to look really great and interesting. Usually only strong people choose to apply such tribal bull tattoo designs.


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