Owl tattoos meaning

Owl tattoos meaning can be really different  For example, one of the variants of the owl tattoo is the horned owl.

The horned owl is the large bird resembling superficially an owl or an eagle owl. The horned owl hunts only at night and is a bird of prey. For this reason in the ancient time at many people the horned owl was associated with a dark and ominous being who casts fear and horror. Christians connected the image of a horned owl with black magic which bears in itself death and cold. At the people of Africa on a legend the horned owl was in collusion to the witch and spent time together with it at graves of the died people.

The tattoo in the form of this night bird has also other value. Such tattoo the wise and erudite personality, or the mysterious and mysterious person leading a nocturnalism can possess. Today the horned owl or an owl are an emblem of wisdom and knowledge. A tattoo with the image of a horned owl people with resistant living position who are ready to win any collisions with the evil can also possess. Modern value of a tattoo of a horned owl can mean loneliness or grief also.

Value of a tattoo with the image of an eagle owl rather interestingly. Greeks respected and esteemed this bird as they considered her a wisdom symbol. In too time some people of the world considered a bird a symbol of darkness and death. In China in the same way considered an owl a death symbol. In Christianity the tattoo with the image of an eagle owl was considered a symbol of bad news and the companion of a devil.

The reason of such values of a bird was that she leads a nocturnalism.

Also the bird hunted on others directly at night.

The owl was connected with opportunity to prophesy therefore at Indians it was considered as a protective mascot. They feathers were used at production of Indian headdresses, thereby they always wore a protective mascot at themselves.

In our times treat an eagle owl with big respect, than earlier. The eagle owl (an owl, is now more often this bird so call) is considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

We often meet the image of an owl in educational literature, and also in different intellectual programs. The tattoo with the image of an eagle owl or owl will suit people with extensive life experience, to the person wise and balanced.

The tattoo "eagle owl" will approach both the man, and the woman who have a huge stock of knowledge, and lead the correct life.

The symbolics of a tattoo of an owl is enough ambivalentn. In the Greek-Roman tradition this bird symbolized wisdom and was devoted to the goddess Athena. On the other hand, in many cultures it was connected with a night, darkness and death. Such significance of a tattoo was attached to an owl by Etruscans, Celts and Indians of Central America. And in Hinduism and beliefs of China and Japan the owl directly contacted death. The symbol of an owl had similar value and in Christianity where the owl was considered as the satellite of a devil bringing bad messages. Besides, the owl was a symbol of the Jewish people which preferred a disbelief gloom to light of the Gospel. The nocturnalism of an owl, her habit to hunt in the dark and the shrill shouts connected with it was the cause of such ominous associations. However, ability of an owl to find a way in the dark contacted and theomancy. This ability was given to an owl by North American Indians. And feathers of an owl were used by them at production of headdresses and played a charm role.

The owl tattoos meaning can be different as a rule. It is always a good idea to have the owl tattoo applied to your skin because it can show your wit and everything positive.

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