Grizzly bear tattoo

The bear is a symbol of power, the power and firmness, determination and courage, ability to bear the world and good. The image of a she-bear designates motherhood, care and fertility.

Thanks to ability of a bear to fill up and wake up from hibernation, a tattoo the bear testifies to awakening and the beginning of new life. Opens versatility of character of the owner - despite the seeming kindness and peacefulness, the animal can be furious and aggressive.

Generally the image of a bear on a body is carried out in the spirit of realism. By the way, the tattoo not only speaks about traits of character of her owner, but also endows him with missing qualities.

The large number of representatives of this look, makes a choice of tattoos the various

The grizzly personifies determination, confidence, a habit to win any non-standard situation.

The polar bear reminds people of the northern people and the Supreme god Odin. Symbolizes consciously chosen loneliness, desire to fight for life, destroying all obstacles.

Panda and koala – an embodiment of good nature and fun.

Brown bear – ability to fight, uncontrollable power.

Meaning of fragments

The grin of a bear designates strength of mind and ability to battle to any enemy. Has the special importance at men resolute and sure.

The paw of a bear symbolizes military valor in which force and nobility are inherent. Sometimes interpretation of force accepts mystical sense.

The image of the head of a brown bear who roars, is associated with image of the hunter, rage and ferocity.

The different people – different symbolics

In culture of the ancient and modern people of a tattoo a bear mattered and has the about what tell legends and the remained stories.

Ancient Celts especially esteemed the bear who became an emblem at soldiers, seeing in him a symbol of feminity and the power of the moon which was responsible in a general sense for fertility and in maternal for a child-bearing. Chinese consider that a bear – the man's symbol designating domination, bravery, force. A bear in Japan – an embodiment of wisdom and justice. For the Egyptian Pharaohs the bear was a symbol of the power which is indisputable. The Indian rajahs allocated tattoos with similar meaning.

The bear even was a deity symbol! Indigenous Americans were sure of divine abilities of a bear at fight against a tornado and other cataclysms of the nature. In Russia the bear designates courage of the hunter and good luck. In the Greek mythology the bear was Artemis's representative, always the young goddess of hunting. In Christianity and Islam a tattoo the bear matters the negative - cruel, vindictive dark force. And in the West embodies a gluttony sin.

Despite of that the bear has not only merits, positive influence of this tattoo it is indisputable. Not for nothing the bear is esteemed for force, mind and nobility.

The tattoo by right can reckon with the image of a bear as the unique. The matter is that depending on that which bear and as it is represented, changes also sense a tattoo. For a long time this predator represented in itself such qualities as force, power, mind and the power.

Still Pharaohs of Egypt applied to themselves on a tattoo body with the image of this animal, as symbol of the indisputable and undivided power. At Celts the bear was a moon symbol, and also feminity and motherhood. Indians considered a bear the brave and strong soldier who always wins fight.

Grizzly bear tattoo is very popular among the American people and is considered to be the best option when choosing the exact bear tattoo. Therefore the bear tattoos may be really different.

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