Teddy bear tattoos
Despite that bears very big and by sight furious animals, in many people of the world this animal is considered a symbol of freedom and energy of the world.
Bears very peaceful and kind animals in soul. In Celtic mythology this animal is a symbol of the moon which in turn means a feminine. For this reason today a lot of women do tattoos with bears who are treated as motherhood and a child-bearing. Man's tattoos identify the energy Yang from the Chinese culture symbolizing a machismo, force, the power, courage and domination with bears.
In this section of the catalog there are photos of tattoos with grizzly bears, brown and polar bears, koalas and pandas. Here you will meet next-to-skin drawings in an image of animated heroes, for example, Blame Down or a teddy bear of Teddie. Each tattoo with this animal transfers special information: anger, sufferings, love or courage. Compositions with bears bear deep semantic loading.
As a rule, tattoos with a bear are put in one color, is more rare – eyes or a mouth of an animal shade with a bright shade. Also color tattoos meet lovely bears, as a rule, the animated. The size and a form of drawing are defined proceeding from part of a body where the tattoo will be put (a back, a shoulder, a breast, etc.).
People quite often do themselves tattoos of bears as love this animal and consider it one of the most unique.
Meaning of the bear tattoos can be really different depending on what the person wants to tell.
As a tattoo the people possessing resistant character, confidence in own forces like to choose a bear to themselves. Quite often, however, images of this animal are preferred by a little brutal males. If a bear for next-to-skin drawing the representative of a charming floor, as a rule, chooses it not a bear, but a teddy bear or a she-bear, as a last resort any more.
In general, a variety of such tattoos pleasantly impresses. At least, subject lines there can be much the most various in spite of the fact that the animal, apparently, is represented one. The bear can show a spiteful grin or, on the contrary, it is lovely to suck a paw. It is possible to draw an animal alone or to surround it with other characters, subjects, other elements of composition. Many people manage to find even tenderness in this animal at all his ferocity. As you can see, values of a tattoo a bear can be different.
Bear tattoos at the different people
At the different people the tattoo of a bear can possess various values. Celts, for example, very much esteemed him and personified an animal with … the woman, it is as if surprising sounded. It is a fertility symbol, and also a child-bearing. By the way, on a Celtic emblem there was a bear.
Teddy bears are great images to apply as tattoo designs, probably the same as the real bear.
Bear — this contradictory and unique wild animal. Such qualities as kindness and tenderness, force and fearlessness, ferocity and insidiousness, rage and rage are inherent in this predator. The tattoo with the image of a bear is popular with strong, self-assured men. And the image of a she-bear, bear cub or a plush toy has success in girls – a bear, naturally, as value to a tattoo a bear — is broken a set.
For a long time the bear in various cultures and religions had the value. About it there is a set of stories, legends, myths. In China the bear means courage, force, a machismo. In Japan he personifies justice, patience, wisdom, charity. In Celtic culture the bear symbolizes the moon, a feminine, motherhood. This predator became an emblem of Celtic soldiers. Indians considered a bear a peaceful, kind animal and attributed to him the power over various natural cataclysms.