Bear tattoo

The bear is considered one of the most unique animals. In it such qualities as tenderness, kindness, ferocity, fearlessness, force and firmness of character are combined. Traditionally, this animal represents revival and the beginning of new life. It isn't surprising that the tattoo a bear has success in self-assured and strong men, and the image of a she-bear or a teddy bear attracts women.

Symbolics of a bear at the different people

Many legends and stories are connected with a bear, in each culture the symbol of this animal has the value. For example, ancient Celts with special honoring treated a bear, considering his female symbol responsible for a child-bearing and fertility, its image became an emblem at Celtic soldiers. In China it on the contrary characterizes a machismo and means domination, courage and force. In Japan the bear is an embodiment of justice and wisdom, and aboriginals of America perceived it as the deity capable to eliminate natural cataclysms. The Egyptian Pharaohs and the Indian rajahs applied on themselves tattoos with the image of a bear who was considered in these countries as a symbol of the indisputable power. In Russia this animal was associated with hunting courage, good luck and courage.

Tattoo of a  bear: the meaning

Today the tattoo a bear is in great demand in salons. Tattoos can be with images of various representatives of this look: grizzly, pandas, polar or brown bears. The grizzly is a sign of determination and ability to cope with any danger. A polar bear – a symbol of the northern people. It means loneliness and desire to survive, without looking at any obstacles. A panda and a koala – an embodiment of optimism and good nature. Value of a tattoo with a brown bear is a fight and power.

The image of separate parts of a body of an animal also has the symbolical value.

Bear grin – male courage and strength of mind. The men wishing to show like to put such tattoo that they are capable to battle to any enemies.

The paw of a bear – a symbol of power and force, and a trace of claws of a predator means nobility and military valor. In some countries it is considered the carrier of a mystic force.

The head of the roaring brown bear often is associated with rage, aggression, image of the furious hunter.

Styles of a tattoo with a bear

As a rule, tattoos with the image of a bear are carried out in style of realism. The animal is shown such, what it actually. Has to try to transfer to tattoo master real appearance of a predator, its character and plasticity of movements, and for this purpose it is necessary to work properly with shadows and it is correct to transfer value of a tattoo in image.

Before drawing a tattoo it is necessary to be defined, on what site of a body it will be represented. The headdress can be on shovels, a breast, shoulders or feet.

Standard area for drawing a tattoo the top part of a breast is considered. On it it is possible to place the volume and symmetric image of a bear.

The tattoo represented on a shoulder is practically not subject to deformations and is well open to the public. Bear tattoos may be different and great and everyone loves to apply them onto the skin.

It is considered the most successful the drawing made on a back as this zone is characterized by resistance to age changes, the big area and opportunity for game by the invoice and the movement.

In spite of the fact that at a bear is not only merits, in general, it is possible to call him a positive animal. After all not for nothing he is considered a national symbol of our country. He is respected for care, mind, power and force, knowing that under an aggressive cover the courageous and noble animal disappears.


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